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Customer Testimonials

“Deccan 360 did a commendable job in getting across some paintings of a renowned artist for display at a prestigious art gallery in Mumbai. With the shipment being offloaded by commercial uplift due to odd size dimensions, and the exhibition beginning the next morning, we were in a bad predicament. But Deccan 360 handled the situation with ease and expertise. From booking the consignment for a 5 pm flight and coordinating with the destination team, to keeping the consignee updated minute-by-minute and delivering the consignment on time despite the odd hours, their service was remarkable”.

Mobile handset manufacturer

“We had been very reluctant to try Deccan 360 initially. But once we did, we were thoroughly impressed. They diligently handled our critical, time-bound shipment and delivered it as per their commitment. Above all, their customized solutions for connectivity, better transit time, time-definite delivery and service flexibility, make them the best in the industry”.

Sports accessories manufacturer

“We have been very happy with the services of Deccan 360. The initial hiccup in delivering shipments to our warehouse in the interiors of Derabassi district in Patiala was smoothly sorted with the intervention of the AVP and the Head OPS. The patience, perseverance and team work of the members of Deccan 360 is highly commendable.”


The Deccan 360 team has done a fantastic job in delivering sensitive and confidential documents exactly as scheduled. They have been very proactive in their approach and fully supportive in accommodating our needs. Congratulations from the ISRO-IIST family for daring to undertake this challenging task and completing it in a manner that ensures total customer delight.”

Registrar - IIST


“We have been very happy with the services of Deccan 360. The initial hiccup in delivering shipments to our warehouse in the interiors of Derabassi district in Patiala was smoothly sorted with the intervention”.

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Popup Module

This is the Popup Module feature. Assign any module to the popup module position, and ensure that the Popup Feature is enabled in the Gantry Administrator.

You can configure its height and width from the Gantry Administrator.

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